Property All Risks and Business Interruption
Your tangible assets like Buildings, Plant & Machinery, Stock and other Contents, are exposed to multiple perils causing potentially large physical loss or damage that can be disruptive and a drain on your valuable resources. There are insurance solutions aplenty to protect you from financial harm, but as each risk (occupancy / business activities / processes) is different, it takes an expert to help you navigate the maze with precision and assurance. We specialize in designing bespoke property insurance solutions that cater to your specific needs. Whether you own high rise buildings, a factory, a residence, or an office, we are there to assist you with your exact requirements
Property All Risk is the widest form of cover available and indemnifies You for any loss, damage, or destruction to your insured physical assets caused by accidental external means, not otherwise excluded under the contract. It provides you protection against a wide range of perils like Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Riot & Strike, Malicious Damages, Act of God perils, and many more. As this is an exclusion driven policy, it’s important to know what perils or property are specifically excluded under the insurance contract to have a clear and unambiguous understanding of the protection available to you.
The Business Interruption or Loss of Profits policy indemnifies You against direct Financial Loss / Loss of Income suffered by your business due to stoppage / disruption to its activities following an insured material damage loss suffered under the PAR / Fire Policy. Key factors to consider here are Gross Profit to be insured, selection of Indemnity Period and various other important parameters and policy extensions. This Policy can only be issued if a PAR or Fire Policy is already issued.
We would be glad to assist you in designing a suitable BI policy for your business.